Akita in Winter Itinerary


Normally winter season is not suitable for tourism especially in the countryside but “Akita in Winter” is an exception !  Severe climate makes people heat up heart !  That’s why festivals in winter are very attractive.


1st  day

10:24 arrival at Akita by Akita-Shinkansen(JR High speed railway), rent a car

12:15 Sacred fountain* (stay time: 1h), 13:30 stop by at Geo Park(Godzilla rock)

*)Huge lines of wind power wings on the way are found. Sacred fountain is located in public water plant and it’s hard to find. Don’t miss it.

sacred fountain
sacred fountain
godzilla rock
godzilla rock

15:30 arrival at hot spring hotel  in Oga city (very early dinner prepared in advance on the reservation)

17:30 departure for NAMAHAGE Festival* using special transportation suggested by hotel

*)Performance everywhere in the venue but the best position is in front of stage.  Death guard of your place !

namahage drams
namahage drams

2nd day

9:30 departure

12:00 arraival at Amekko-Market* in Ohdate city (stay time: 2h), 14:40 stop by at Huge dram demonstration in Kita-Akita city (option)

*)Akita-Inu parade twice a day.  check parade time in advance.


17:40 arraival at hotel in countryside of Daisen city

3rd day

9:00 departure(return the rental car)

10:50 Highway bus from Akita station to Yokote station(12:17), Snow House

snow house
snow house

14:19 Japan Railway from Yokote station,  Akita-Nairiku Railway* to Kamihinokinai station(16:04), Craft Balloon Festival**

*)recommend buying Akita-Nairiku railway round trip ticket immediately at Kakunodate station due to congestion.

**)take warm in the tourism office sometimes as craft balloon releasing constantly and  restroom crowded during first 1-2 hours.

***)Tug of War at Kariwano welcome your participation without registration but unfortunately is held  at the same night.  Choice Craft Balloon Festival or Tag of War.

craft balloon
craft balloon

19:58 departure from Tazawako station (to Akita, Morioka, Sendai, etc.)

Please contact us through Contact us‘ form if you have any questions.

Gallery  (click and get ideas !)


sacred fountain
sacred fountain
godzilla rock
godzilla rock
namahage drams
namahage drams
snow house
snow house
craft balloon
craft balloon
tug of war
tug of war

*) Miscellaneous notes


The dog in the left photo is called ‘Akita-inu’ , never called ‘Akita-ken’.   A clever reader knows the Japanese character of a dog has 2-way pronunciations ‘inu’ and ‘ken’.  On the other hand,  ‘ken’ in Japanese also means ‘prefecture’ in English.  So, if you find ‘Akita-inu’ by chance in town and say “Wow! Akita-ken”, you would feel a cold gaze among people now living there in Akita prefecture.  Skip short story!