It is just “Peach Blossom Heaven” fulfilled by peace and rich countryside far from ordinary life or real world. But, the word of “Peach Blossom Heaven” came from Chinese old story, instead in Japan “Peach” is replaced by “Cherry”.
My heart is moved when I look at cherry blossoms in Spring because not only I have passed long cold season but also Sping is farewell season due to the end of fiscal or school year in Japan. Therefor emotions that are a mixture of good and painful memories come up at that time and according to these emotions each Japanese person has some favorite songs with the theme of cherry blossoms in his/her heart.
Spring in Tohoku direct starts from Fukushima and You will find cherry blossom tree which absolutely move your heart !
One day Trip
9:00 arrival at Fukushima station by Tohoku-Shinkansen(JR High railway), Rent-a-car is recommended as a means of transortation.
Cherry Blossom Heaven all over the mountains (no charge, stay time 2h)

12:00 start Visiting One Symbolic Cherry Blossom Tree in each village

12:30 arrival at Weeping Cherry Tree with the vew of Mt.Adatara in Nakajima* (no charge, stay time 1h)
*) Enjoy lunch with local ingredients offered by local people.

14:00 arrival at Cherry Tree in the old Battlefield (no charge, stay time 0.5h)

15:00 arrival at Waterfall Cherry Blossoms in Miharu , one of Japan’s Three Great Chery Blossoms (no charge, stay time 1h)

16:30 arrival at Koriyama station to return to Tokyo
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