Travel Notes (Elements that make up a travel itinerary)

snow mountain
'Snow house' named as 'KAMAKURA' in Japanese is a famous play spot among children. They enjoy eating something and playing Read more
snow life
To tell the truth,  we could not participate in the tug of war because of Craft Balloon festival held on Read more
'Amekko', meaning candy in local pronunciation  language, helps us healthy to protect catching  a cold especially in winter season because Read more
namahage drams
NAMAHAGE Festival held during 3 days is composed of Shintoism, 'Drama where NAMAHAGEs visit your home’, ’’Ancient dram music’ and Read more
geosite fullscene
You can find Godzilla natural sculpture. and his tail, etc. at Geosite of Cape Shiosezaki.  Wind was very very strong Read more
sacred fountain
You can reach sacred site through 15min. walk from the entrance of public water plant.  Fresh water is mild, soft Read more