Travel Notes (Elements that make up a travel itinerary)

shirakami mountains pond 2
On the way to Shirakami mountains (World Heritage), we drove through HIROSAKI city which is famous for apple production and Read more
shirakami mountains walking 1
It is easy to approach the entrance to World Heritage, but places inside where a tourist could reach by himself Read more
Takahata stone4
The remains of quarries are found all over Japan, but Takahata stone is a tuff made from volcanic ash accumulated Read more
Kameoka Main hall
Kameoka Monjyu-dou is one of Japan's three major Monjyu Bodhisattva with wisdom.    Two heads are better than one. There Read more
Yonezawa Beef
The meat in the beef stew I always eat at home is pork !    That's because beef is expensive Read more
Sasano Kannon5
Sasano Kannon is one of the 33 Kannon pilgrimages in Okitama area, but it is especially admirable because the lord Read more