Travel Notes (Elements that make up a travel itinerary)

Yonezawa castle1
By the end of the 19th century, British travel explorer Isabella Bird called the Okitama area including Yonezawa basin 'the Read more
Mountain Pass Station2
On the way to Namegawa Hot Spring in Yamagata prefecture, I have been searching mobile radio wave to book an Read more
Hugging valley8
I tried translating the name of this gorge into English without permission, so it became like this title.   So, please Read more
blue gradation
It is uncertain that Lake Tazawa is the site of a caldera volcano.   However, the lake is surrounded by outer Read more
Akita-Komagatake in clear
Horses and humans have a long history.   It is said that in early spring, a horse is seen in the Read more
Fireworks at night2
The fireworks powder used sulfur mined from the volcano.   In the Edo period, the production of gunpowder was banned, and Read more