Travel Notes (Elements that make up a travel itinerary)

kamei villa5
When I travel to Tohoku, I often stop at a gas station, so I often see Kamei's mark (red flag Read more
yuriage auction
Film director Makoto Shinkai said he got the idea for the movie "Your name"(subtitle:  I'm always searching for something, for Read more
shiogama shrine cow stroking
Generally speaking of cows in a shrine is associated with Tenmangu, which enshrines Michizane Sugawara, senior official in Heian period, Read more
It is often said that beautiful things have thorns. It's not about women.   It is safflower. !    Roses, which Read more
pond and lower bound
There is Mt.Gassan 8th station at the end of the winding uphill.   The Midagahara Marsh, 'Heavenly paradise', is spreading there.  Read more
shonai plain
Unfortunately, it is downhill to the five-storied pagoda, National treasure. But you can meet the 1000 year old grandfather ceder. Read more