Travel Notes (Elements that make up a travel itinerary)

amachan headmark
'Amachan' is a TV drama that lasted for half a year in 2013 after the earthquake, and if you don't Read more
On Sundays, Japan's largest morning market appears on a wide quay, like runways, where I really went except Sunday but Read more
ashige right
Tanesashi Coast is not monotonous. There are reefs, sandy beaches, and green pine forests.  And finally there is the natural Read more
deer and human dance
Each community in Tono city showcases traditional performing arts, for example, Kagura dance, Deer dance, Tiger dance, Sansa dance, etc. Read more
horseback archery1
The origin of Tono horseback archery (Yabusame in Japanese) is in Kamakura (Tsuruoka Hachimangu shrine).  It was brought to Tono Read more
tono arakamisama in aozasa
Preliminary preparation is essential to enjoy Tono truly.  Tono Story is compiled by Kunio Yanagita for more than 100 stories Read more