Travel Notes (Elements that make up a travel itinerary)

stone bridge futamatabashi1
Each arched stone bridge in Kumamoto prefecture exists in exquisite balance with the weight of the thousands of stones that Read more
The last major eruption of Mt. Aso 90,000 years ago was so large that volcanic ash fell over the entire Read more
aso horse grazing
When traveling to enjoy the scenery, the weather is crucial.    The scenery shines with the reflection of light, and Read more
fes15 firework
Arrive into Chichibu city early, visit Chichibu Shrine (be sure to check out the carvings and the parents' warning signboard), Read more
heirin temple11
Hei-rin-ji Temple was named after the flat ("Hei" in Japanese) forest ("rin" in Japanese).    Friendly and easy to understand.  Read more
maple park6
Chichibu is a place where you can see that the ocean floor strata have sunk beneath the Japanese archipelago due Read more