Travel Notes (Elements that make up a travel itinerary)

shirakoma forest21
As soon as you step inside, you will be greeted by a ”moss forest” that covers everything from the ground Read more
yokoya ravine11 upper fall
Chino people cultivates the highlands at the foot of Yatsugatake mountains for farming, but the valleys are deep and it Read more
misyaka pond (4)
The pond that served as a motif in the painting “Green Echo” by Japanese artist Kaii Higashiyama.   (source: Read more
suwa shrine kamisyahongu5 front entrance
Naturally, travelers planning to visit Suwa will have researched the Onbashira Festival, which is held once every seven years, in Read more
indigo dyeing workshop5 finish
It is said that when a British chemist came to Japan in the early Meiji period, he described the whole Read more
waki town21
Is the meaning of "the guy who can't go up the Udatsu" closer to "the guy who can't even build Read more