Deep Matsushima Sea Canyon, Sagakei, a little different from typical Matsushima

sagakei25 camel

Matsushima, ah! / Ah ah! Matsushima, ah! / Matsushima, ah!

The haiku poet Basho wrote the above in Matsushima and I was taught so in childhood, but it seems different.   I certainly thought that anyone could write this, but Basho himself said that he could not write words in the superb view of Matsushima and did not write haiku.


A typical Matsushima sightseeing starts from JR Matsushima Kaigan Station, and Fuku-ura island to pray for getting partner (famous for the combined hike of male and female students; it’s an old story), Godaido temple, a sightseeing boat in the bay inside, and Zuiganji Temple, national treasure, are the golden routes, but those who love the countryside avoid famous tourist spots and crowd.

It is said that the magnificent view of Matsushima Bay was created by rising water levels in the eroded mountains, but erosion due to waves is still progressing outside Matsushima Bay.   “Matsushima” is the pine tree on the island when the characters are translated into English.   The green of the pine against the yellow of the eroded rock surface could make us feel the bonsai flavor.  Anyway, we enjoyed the beauty of nature in the sea canyon “Sagakei” and there were many rocks that remind us of various creatures.  The boat is small and very homey, and if there are no waves, you can see the blue cave.

Gallery (click photos)

Jyoudoga-hama named from paradise of that world is occupied by black-tailed gulls

waiting for food on the helmet
jyoudoga hama 2
jyoudoga hama 2

The Pure Land of Jodoga-hama means the paradise of that world.  I don’t know because nobody has seen it, but it seems to be associated with the appearance of the Buddha in line from the row of eroded rocks.

jyoudoga hama 1
jyoudoga hama 1

What I would like to pay attention to here is the exploration of the blue cave by a small boat(Zappa-sen).   Naples may be famous for the blue cave, but in another sense, exploring the cave here is interesting.
Since a small boat enters a narrow cave, you may hit your head with the waves, so you must wear a helmet. However, I find that this helmet is used in different ways.

zappa boat with birds
zappa boat with birds

When the small boat departs, black-tailed gulls gather for the “Kappa Ebisen”(feed) that was given to the customer in advance.   In short, it’s feeding the black-tailed gull.  The black-tailed gull catches the feed thrown in the air

bird on the helmet 2
bird on the helmet 2

without directly picking up the feed that the customer has, but it is well placed on the helmet worn by the customer, waiting for the opportunity.  It’s a completely annoying story and a lovely time.


I almost forgot to report the Blue Cave. It seems that the sea in the cave looks blue at the timing of the ebb tide in the morning, but the color of the sea suddenly changed to blue as I entered the cave.

Finally, it goes without saying that the coast of Jodoga-hama is also dominated by children chasing black-tailed gulls !

Geibikei  Canyon, Boat excursion that invites us to ‘Another World isolated’.  Fun at the end !

geibikei senryutan
geibikei boatman
geibikei boatman

The Kitakami Mountains have been land for a long time since the Japanese Islands were torn off from Russia by the plate movement.  They are older than the volcanic belt that runs through the Japanese archipelago.  Therefore, Geibikei was exposed to long erosion and a deep canyon was completed.

Until Edo period the villagers did not list the canyon on the map, fearing that many officials would visit it for sightseeing.  Recently, tourism development was carried out as a boat excursion.  Autumn leaves and snow boat excursions are also good, but the excursions in the calm atmosphere of the fresh green were exceptional.
In the canyon surrounded by cliffs,  I could hear only the voices of birds other than the sound of the water flowing by pointing the river bottom with a rod, and the song of the boatman quietly soaked into the canyon.

Gallery (click photos)

Fun at the end !

geibikei stones
geibikei stones

At the turning point of excursion, once get off the boat and enjoy the spectacular view for a while.  At the end of walk, throw a stone toward the hole in the cliff and wish yourself good luck, or just try your own pitching control.  The things written on the stone that became a strike will be fulfilled, so it is necessary to check the things before throwing !

Going down the Mogami River by boat

mogami river

‘Gathering early summer rains / Even more rapid / The Mogami River’
by Basho

boat going down
boat going down

Basho traveled to Tohoku district during the Edo period and left many famous haiku poems. One of them is the Mogami River.

fall from the cliff
waterfall from the cliff

The seasons were different, but the flow was not as intense as I expected.
Time seems to have stopped and the area is quiet. I can only hear the sound of pointing the boat’s rod to the river. A stream of water falls from the cliff and the boat song of the boatman is sucked into the mountains. On the way you can see the ruins of Oshin’s outdoor studio. I fell asleep on the way.

The following is a boat landing.  One-way, two-way, etc. you can chose according to your schedule.