Sacred fountain origin of fresh water

sacred fountain

You can reach sacred site through 15min. walk from the entrance of public water plant.  Fresh water is mild, soft and warm in winter, maybe surely cold in summer.
It’s amazing that drinking water is supplied to all residence in Oga city from this spring in the manner of spirit of equality through circle distributer.


rough sea
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Historical warehouses and Sake breweries in Kitakata

warehouse in kitakata
homare sake brewery
homare sake brewery

There are a lot of histrical warehouses in Kitakata City.  Normaly they are used for storage but here in Kitakata the situation might be different.  Warehouse is a living space and a status symbol.

preparation tank of sake
preparation tank of sake






Recently many sake breweries in Aizu have got prizes of sake every year, especially in Kitakata.  You can visit and enjoy factory tour, tasting and walk in the garden there.  Find your favorite sake in case you are not a driver, otherwise you need a capable navigator of not driving but tasting.

yamatogawa sake brewery tasting
yamatogawa sakebrewery tasting


Floor heating system for winter

melting snow system like floor heating
melting snow system like floor heating

I happened to see a construction site of a snow melting system for winter.   It’s like a floor heating system for a house.





tou no hetsuri shrine
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Ouchijuku like a theme park welcomed by healthy old women good at business !

ouchijuku post town
ouchijuku roof material
ouchijuku roof material

Since the thatched roof is made from thin and manpower is required, dubbing work is done by all the villagers, which helps to form a community.

An ancient post town was on the highroad connecting Aizu and Nikko in Edo period.  Now it is left from main transportation route but the community keeps Ouchijuku remain as it is.  Thatched roof is not just beautiful, it is an important gimmick to maintain the community !

ouchijuku shop
oushijuku shop

At each thatched-roof house, a charming saleswoman sits at the edge of the porches and sells her own cooked food and crafts. Each item is hand-made, and the wallet’s string is loosened as the grandmother smiles.


Gallery (click photos)

tou no hetsuri shrine
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Sazaedo like a turban shell is a pilgrimage place of religion

inawashiro lake
sazaedo front
sazaedo front

Sazaedo is located at the foot* of Mt.Iimori, where 19 young samurais committed suicide by seeing a burning their lord’s castle in 1868 when Aizu Domain was artificially hit by the new government after the Edo Shogunate to show it.

*)There was a guide to recommend using a paid escalator not to get tired when going to the sacred place from now on.   What about that?
The Aizu-Wakamatsu city at twilight that spreads to the west was very impressive.

twilight aizu wakamatsu city
twilight aizu wakamatsu chity

Sazaedo means not only the name ‘Turban shell Temple’ in English but also the shape of inside structure.  When you enter from the front, the slope climbs in a spiral to the right. However, when you cross the bridge at the top, it turns into a descending counterclockwise slope, and at the end you will be behind the building.  This structure not only did not cause traffic congestion inside, but it was also a place where people could visit many Buddha efficiently by placing 33 Kannon(Buddha statues) on the slope at that time.   Was it profitable in faith?

sazaedo inside top
sazaedo inside top
sazaedo front
sazaedo side









Distant view of Inawashiro Lake like Death Sea in Israel and Jordan and Mt.Bandai illuminated by the setting sun

bandai mountains
bandai mountains

tou no hetsuri shrine
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Bullfight festival in Japan

bullfight waiting
bullfight ready go
bullfight ready go

Japanese style of bullfight is completely different from Spanish one.  It’s a fight between bulls and
like Japanese wrestling  ‘SUMO’ with a table of ranking.
Fights are held about 10 times according to the ranking.

eyes return red
eyes return red

Judgment of winning or losing is decided naturally with the breath of “Aun” and may sometimes be settled by face confusion !
Bull eyes turn red from fighting spirit.   Indeed, the Yokozuna, Champion of bullfight, won by its face and red eyes without real fight !

bullfight venue
bullfight venue

Bullfight festivals are held 4 times a year on Hiraniwa Heights in Iwate prefecture.   According to the web page the starting point of bullfighting is to match the cows in order to decide which one to lead the caravan of transporting salt from Sanriku coast.   So Hiraniwa Heights is located near Kuji city on Sanriku coast.

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Uragasumi Sake Brewery with tasting before lunch

sake brewery

When I got off the approach from Shiogama Shrine, I saw a large warehouse of sake brewery.   Since it was founded nearly 300 years ago, it is a company with an even longer history than Kamei, which I visited earlier.

Everywhere Shrines and sake breweries have existed as a pair for a long time, but due to advances in brewing technology, the sake brewery entered a period of great competition, which is a great story for sake lovers.  The taste of Daiginjo, which produces a refreshing taste by polishing sake rice to the extreme to remove miscellaneous tastes, becomes similar among any sake brewery without fear of misunderstanding.  Therefore, I think that Junmaishu, which does not polish so much rice, represents the taste of the brewery.

Sake production is a complicated process in which a two-step process of saccharification of rice starch with koji and alcoholic fermentation of sugar  with yeast is carried out in one barrel.   Sufficient alcoholic fermentation of sugar results in dry sake, its current fashion, but it does not retain the umami(rich taste) of rice. On the other hand, sake which often wins the gold medal in the world is not suitable for in-meal liquor because its umami is so distinctive.   This balance is difficult, and the true sense of Toji(Master of sake in each brewery) is questioned.
Although wine and sake are common in that they are not distilled, the wine is only fermented of its sugar, so the performance of the grapes harvested is the most important.   So vintage is everything.   On the other hand, sake is all about delicate manufacturing methods.

If you go back to Uragasumi Sake Brewery, you can buy a small glass, and with this you can have 3 kinds of tasting, so please find the one you like and buy it. However, buying a full bottle here will affect later actions.

Japanese sweets and tea utensils
Japanese sweets and tea utensils

There is another well-established store here that I want to stop by.   It is a Japanese confectionery shop “Tanrokuen” that sells Shihogama.   When you put it in your mouth, it melts and you can feel the scent of salt and perilla.   As before, shrines and Japanese confectionery shops are paired everywhere.   However, it seems that it has made history by changing the industry since the beginning. Speaking of Japanese sweets, Japanese tea is always associated with it, and it is clear that tea utensils are now sold mainly there.

Detour for lunch (Le Nid d’hirondelle in Higashi-Matsushima Town)

Higashi(East)-Matsushima Town has the same place name as “Matsushima”, but because it is off Matsushima Bay with a lot of small islands as a breakwater, it was directly affected by the tsunami of the Great East Japan Earthquake.   Although the coastal land became salty and therefore not suitable for cultivation, private company KDDI Evolva, contact center services for telecommunication business, is taking on the challenge of smart agriculture such as high quality tomato production by hydroponics, land restoration and employment of people with disabilities. They  are really working on making the situation plus rather than returning it to zero from minus in Nobi district !

A new town is being rebuilt on the opposite bank of the Nobi district, and there is a restaurant worth a detour in it.  That is “Le Nid d’hirondelle“.
Since the air base is located in Higashi- Matsushima Town, you could see Blue Impulse training flights sometimes near here.


Kamei Villa of the Taisho romance built by the president of the Energy Conglomerate

kamei villa5
kamei villa1
kamei villa1

When I travel to Tohoku, I often stop at a gas station, so I often see Kamei’s mark (red flag on the sea).   When I visited Shiogama Shrine and walked along the long back path, Kamei’s villa suddenly appeared and I was surprised why it was in such a place.   So I learned that Kamei was a company that originated from Shiogama City and lasted over 100 years.

There are many companies in the world that have been in business for more than 100 years, but according to a survey by Nikkei BP, Japan was twice as many as the United States, which was second in the number of companies in the world.   In Japan, the ratio of these companies was high in the manufacturing, retail, wholesale, and lodging/restaurant industry, but low in the service industry.   Prolonged life is proud, but I think it’s because of the conservative constitution of business practices and it leads to conservative job hunting for students who are only looking at large companies.   Amazon is taking over the Japanese market in the retail industry with ICT as a weapon.   I hope that a new venture that will bring innovation will be created.   I think Japan must learn more about the reincarnation of Buddhism.

kamei villa11 bat
kamei villa11 bat

Returning to Kamei, many companies that have continued for over 100 years are transforming themselves.   General Electric(GE) was also a company that manufactured and sold Edison’s inventions, but it is now a major player in the energy and aviation industries while changing industries.   Kamei also focused on new energy oil at that time and established a sales route in Tohoku based at Shiogama Port.   It was explained that the contractor at that time was the current ENEOS, energy supplier, and the design of the bat of the company emblem was incorporated into this villa.   Perhaps it could be the story when the president of Kamei received the contract customer at this villa.  Nowadays it is surrounded by commercial areas, but it is imagined that the view of Shiogama Port and Matsushima Bay would have been good because it was located on a hill.  It’s a great place to take a break on a hot day.  It’s free.

Gallery(click photos)

exhausted 2446 stone steps with about 600 old cedar trees to reach Mt. Haguroyama and a traditional tea house in an exquisite location on the way

shonai plain

Unfortunately, it is downhill to the five-storied pagoda, National treasure. But you can meet the 1000 year old grandfather ceder. In 2019, we had a special visit inside the pagoda. The octagonal core was tied to the surrounding skeleton with a kudzu vine. (>click photos)

five storied pagoda
five storied pagoda

Uphill surrounded by old cedars feels sacred air, not just forest bath.  But it is hard to climb the 2446 stone steps at once.  There is a traditional tea house in an exquisite place.  And you can overlook the flat Shonai plain facing the Sea of ​​Japan.  If the weather is very nice, you can see Tobishima island over the Shonai plain. (>click photos)

stone steps start
stone steps start

We finally reached the summit of Mt. Haguroyama.  It took 50 minutes without a break from the foot.  It is difficult to go to the other two mountains, so it is also secular that the three gods are enshrined together here.
It seems that the belfry was built as a thank-you for praying for the invasion of Mongolia during the Kamakura period. (>click photos)

shrine haguroyama
shrine haguroyama

Only part of the stone steps are crafted with the playfulness of masonry worker.  Find out, so you feel better.

playful mind
playful mind

Amachan(woman shell diver) World!  jejeje!  in Kosode Coast (Kuji City)

amachan headmark
billboard on kuji department store
billboard on kuji department store

‘Amachan’ is a TV drama that lasted for half a year in 2013 after the earthquake, and if you don’t know this story, you cannot enjoy Kuji City and Sanriku Railway enough.


real amachan
real amachan

‘Ama’ is a diver who takes shells and sea urchins in summer without using equipment.
The story is a village revitalization by a local idol(this is an ama !) in the countryside . On the other hand, a Tokyo entertainment agency to which an idol group like AKB48

amachan house
amachan house

belongs secretly attempts to find idols in the countryside, which reminds us of searching for amber gemstone, which is a special product of Kuji.  Due to the Great East Japan Earthquake, Kuji’s gemstones will return to their hometown and help to revive the village as an idol and ‘ama’.   Sanriku Railway carries longing for the city and frustration, the warmth of hometown.
‘Jejeje ! ‘ is a buzzword when surprised in this drama and spread all over Japan .

sea urchin lunch
sea urchin lunch

Many fans still visit the facilities that appear in the story near Kuji Station. I am one of them.  The sea urchin bento(lunch) at Kuji Station is a popular product and will soon be sold out. After all, the cooking method is steaming here as well as Hachinohe.


sold out sea urchin lunch
sold out sea urchin lunch

The scenic Kosode Coast is also a base for ‘ama’ activities, and good quality and cheap kelp is recommended.  There is a lighthouse where ‘Amachan’ jumped into the sea in the drama, but don’t try to imitate it.

Kosode Coast (click photos)

Super huge market appears on the quay from too early morning(before dawn)

morning market
morning market

On Sundays, Japan’s largest morning market appears on a wide quay, like runways, where I really went except Sunday but no one was there.

TEBASAKI sold out
TEBASAKI sold out



Most of the things sold at the morning market are local seafood, vegetables, and prepared foods, but here you can find toys, DIY, sewing corners, fishing gear and much more.


I wonder why they handle such things, but in short, it makes sense to think of it as a festival venue in the countryside.  Anyway, it is in a chaotic state.   Feel this energy !


beef skewers in market
beef skewers in market


Furthermore, since the morning market is held before dawn, everyone procures breakfast here.  It is also pure to close one after another after eight o’clock.


market in front of station
market in front of station


Even if you miss the morning market(Tatehana-Ganpeki) on Sunday, you can enjoy it here because another morning market is held every day in front of the station. There is a table where you can gather your own food for 100 yen and eat breakfast.


Hachinohe Line

When you get on the Hachinohe Line, you can feel the endless beach and the blue forest (that is, the origin of Aomori).

hachinohe line
hachinohe line