Sazaedo like a turban shell is a pilgrimage place of religion

inawashiro lake
sazaedo front
sazaedo front

Sazaedo is located at the foot* of Mt.Iimori, where 19 young samurais committed suicide by seeing a burning their lord’s castle in 1868 when Aizu Domain was artificially hit by the new government after the Edo Shogunate to show it.

*)There was a guide to recommend using a paid escalator not to get tired when going to the sacred place from now on.   What about that?
The Aizu-Wakamatsu city at twilight that spreads to the west was very impressive.

twilight aizu wakamatsu city
twilight aizu wakamatsu chity

Sazaedo means not only the name ‘Turban shell Temple’ in English but also the shape of inside structure.  When you enter from the front, the slope climbs in a spiral to the right. However, when you cross the bridge at the top, it turns into a descending counterclockwise slope, and at the end you will be behind the building.  This structure not only did not cause traffic congestion inside, but it was also a place where people could visit many Buddha efficiently by placing 33 Kannon(Buddha statues) on the slope at that time.   Was it profitable in faith?

sazaedo inside top
sazaedo inside top
sazaedo front
sazaedo side









Distant view of Inawashiro Lake like Death Sea in Israel and Jordan and Mt.Bandai illuminated by the setting sun

bandai mountains
bandai mountains

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too quiet and scared Nakanose Pond is the face that represents Geopark

nakanose numa viewpoint

I have never met such a spacious and refreshing scenery.  But it’s amazing because the horrific volcanic activity in 1888(recently!) created this landscape.  The collapse of the mountain body occurred on the Urabandai side due to the steam explosion as one of the volcanic activity, and rocks avalanche from the collapse dammed the river creating many lakes and ponds.  On the viewpoint, the top of chunk of rock,  you can imagine how Mt. Bandai collapsed and rocks avalanche rushed in the direction you were in to create lakes and ponds.

Geosite View (click photos)

Taking a walk, many chunks of rocks are recognized here and there and  become a blindfold, so when you pass through it, the scenery suddenly changes and a bear may suddenly appear.   That’s why a bear bell is indispensable if you are not enough bigger than a bear !

*)The Renge Pond walking and the Nakanose Pond walking are connected and enjoy quiet walking except for a bear.

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deep Nakatsugawa Valley with bright autumn leaves

nakatsugawa valley viewpoint
nakatsugawa valley bridge
nakatsugawa valley bridge

The normal tourist overlooks here, but those who love the countryside cannot.  You can enjoy the autumn colors even from the bridge, but for those with good legs, let’s go down the deep valley 15min for one way.

nakatsugawa valley4
nakatsugawa valley4







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Panoramic view of Onogawa and Akimoto Lake (click photos)

On the way to Nakatsugawa Valley, Bandai-Azuma Lake Line(road) runs along the ridge.  The mountains colored in autumn colors looked like broccoli !

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Urabandai Goshiki-Numa Ponds(Five colors ponds) walk

goshiki numa viewpoint
goshiki numa midoro
goshiki numa midoro

‘Red Pond’ in literary among Goshiki-NumaPonds is not real red.  The color of Hell Ponds in Beppu Hot spring (Oita prefecture) reproduces the color more faithfully. Five colors here mean that various colors can be found depending on the weather and season, etc.   Its color is due to the reflection of particles of the melted mineral matter.

goshiki numa map
goshiki numa map



To save time, recommend to use a bus for one way. Return to Goshiki-Numa entrance / Urabandai-Kogen by bus (to Inawashiro / Kitakata for each) to pick up the parked car there.  Check  in advance a time table of bus available per about one hour.  In case go forward to the other starting point taking a bus immediately after parking a car.

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