Moss Forest, a gathering place for people who love the world of Ghibli

shirakoma forest21
shirakoma forest3 moss
shirakoma forest3 moss

As soon as you step inside, you will be greeted by a ”moss forest” that covers everything from the ground to the roots of the primeval forest.    This scenery has been used in various TV commercials, so you may have seen it somewhere at least once.    It is said that 485 types of moss live there, so I went in with a magnifying glass, but I couldn’t really observe each one individually.

shirakoma forest6 huge rocks
shirakoma forest6 huge rocks

Anyway, as I climbed up to the Takami-ishi Hut enjoying the scenery I had never seen before, I suddenly saw a mountain piled up with large rocks that looked like they had been piled up by giants.     If you drop something into a crevice between rocks, you will never be able to get it out, so be careful when climbing.    When you reach the top of the rocky mountain, you can see the round Shirakoma Pond floating just below, and beyond that you can see a vast panoramic view of the Saku and Karuizawa basins, and even Mt. Asama with its volcanic smoke behind them.


We crawled down the rocky mountain, passed the mirror-like shores of Shirakoma Pond, and returned to the parking lot through ”Mononoke Forest”, which is also reminiscent of the world of Ghibli.    It’s a different world for three hours above the clouds, but it’s a beauty that no amount of words can express.

The largest lake above the clouds, “Shirakoma Pond”

Detour (View Point)

Midway through the winding descent on the way back, at a point where my fellow passengers were beginning to feel uncomfortable, we came to the Hinata-Koba Observation Deck.     A resting place, not a detour.   You can see the Yatsugatake Mountains to the east, the Southern Alps and Kiso Mountains to the south, the Northern Alps to the west, and Mt. Tateshina at the northern tip of Yatsugatake.    I have never seen so many mountains in Japan in one direction.    The weather was so nice that day that I could see the summit of Mt. Yarigatake and was very impressed.


shirakoma pond0 cover photo
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Feel like you are a painter too, Mishaka pond

misyaka pond (4)

The pond that served as a motif in the painting “Green Echo” by Japanese artist Kaii Higashiyama.


Karamatsu pine trees change color with the seasons, and the tranquil surface of the water reflects them.    It’s a very famous sight that everyone has seen it somewhere at least once, but when you go to the real site you will find out that it is actually an agricultural reservoir.    Since the area is so cold that agar can form, there is a pond to warm up the water for agriculture.

Even when you go out first thing in the morning, photographers with super expensive telephoto lenses line up and take up space.    That may not be interesting, but it’s definitely a sight you should see at least once.

Photography locations are limited to the west side of the pond, and in the afternoon the surface of the pond reflects light, making it unsuitable for photography.   The best time to take photos is in the morning, because the pine forest on the east side of the pond acts as a light shield and prevents the early morning sunlight from directly reaching the water surface, making the water surface look like a mirror.

shirakoma pond0 cover photo
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too quiet and scared Nakanose Pond is the face that represents Geopark

nakanose numa viewpoint

I have never met such a spacious and refreshing scenery.  But it’s amazing because the horrific volcanic activity in 1888(recently!) created this landscape.  The collapse of the mountain body occurred on the Urabandai side due to the steam explosion as one of the volcanic activity, and rocks avalanche from the collapse dammed the river creating many lakes and ponds.  On the viewpoint, the top of chunk of rock,  you can imagine how Mt. Bandai collapsed and rocks avalanche rushed in the direction you were in to create lakes and ponds.

Geosite View (click photos)

Taking a walk, many chunks of rocks are recognized here and there and  become a blindfold, so when you pass through it, the scenery suddenly changes and a bear may suddenly appear.   That’s why a bear bell is indispensable if you are not enough bigger than a bear !

*)The Renge Pond walking and the Nakanose Pond walking are connected and enjoy quiet walking except for a bear.

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Urabandai Goshiki-Numa Ponds(Five colors ponds) walk

goshiki numa viewpoint
goshiki numa midoro
goshiki numa midoro

‘Red Pond’ in literary among Goshiki-NumaPonds is not real red.  The color of Hell Ponds in Beppu Hot spring (Oita prefecture) reproduces the color more faithfully. Five colors here mean that various colors can be found depending on the weather and season, etc.   Its color is due to the reflection of particles of the melted mineral matter.

goshiki numa map
goshiki numa map



To save time, recommend to use a bus for one way. Return to Goshiki-Numa entrance / Urabandai-Kogen by bus (to Inawashiro / Kitakata for each) to pick up the parked car there.  Check  in advance a time table of bus available per about one hour.  In case go forward to the other starting point taking a bus immediately after parking a car.

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tou no hetsuri shrine
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Mt.Hachimantai trekking searching the peak of the flat mountain

Hachiman pond

I learned in high school that Hachimantai was a mountain with the shield of a medieval knight lying beside it.  Therefore, I remembered it as Aspite (shield) volcano, but recent volcanic studies have called it Konide volcano (stratovolcano) because of its formation process rather than its appearance.   The tourist road that crosses the summit was named Hachimantai Aspite Line, but it might be difficult for locals to accept the results of this research and it has not been renamed.

Sea of trees
Sea of trees

In any case, it is a gentle mountain, and the vast sea of ​​trees spreads below you, making it comfortable to drive.   It is also ideal for trekking because the road is not steep.   However, the only drawback is that there is no clear peak, so you cannot get a sense of accomplishment.   For that reason, a half-timbered observatory suddenly appears among the Todomatsu(pine) and bamboo forest, telling us that this is the peak!

peak of Mt.Hachimantai
peak of Mt.Hachimantai

There are ponds around the flat summit, but they became ponds after the steam explosion.   Among them is an emerald green ‘Dragon Eye’ that appears in the snow thaw for only two weeks at the end of May.   I want to see it even once.

Gallery (click photos)

Heavenly Paradise: Mt.Gassan surrounded by alpine plants and ponds  (Gassan 8th station)

pond and lower bound

There is Mt.Gassan 8th station at the end of the winding uphill.   The Midagahara Marsh, ‘Heavenly paradise’, is spreading there.    I feel like jumping into the Shonai plain overlooking the Sea of ​​Japan.   It takes 3 hours from here to the mountaintop shrine

8th station
8th station

This is also a paradise for common ducks

common duck5
common duck5