This one piece of picture!  Local train passing on the bridge

train passage on the bridge
tadami river bridge
tadami river bridge

There are various places to take a scenic view on the Tadami Line, but this is a must.
Tadami River First Bridge !


time schdule of train passage
time schdule of train passage on the bridge






Park your car at roadside rest area and walk 10min. to the viewpoint.  Many photographers are on standby.  Check time table of train passing on the bridge.

tou no hetsuri shrine
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Tou no hetsuri(cliff of towers)  is a temple created by nature

tou no hetsuri viewpoint
tou no hetsuri explanation
tou no hetsuri explanation

The cliff of towers’ shape was created by nature, 1 million years of erosion and weathering.  People had been worshiping the tower like a Buddha.
The river flows gracefully and you can cross the suspension bridge and walk under the cliff of towers.

snake on sale
snake on sale


Bottled snake(mamushi or viper) with liquor is on sale as a souvenir at the entrance shop.  Who buy it?  Instead, be careful of walking the cliff of towers?

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A cat stationmaster ‘Love’ welcome you at Ashinomaki Hot Spring station.  He will appear if he is in a good mood, but I don’t think he is fulfilling his duties as a stationmaster.  Although he is the stationmaster, he is merely living at the station.  In the countryside, we often see small animals as honorary stationmasters.

tou no hetsuri shrine
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deep Nakatsugawa Valley with bright autumn leaves

nakatsugawa valley viewpoint
nakatsugawa valley bridge
nakatsugawa valley bridge

The normal tourist overlooks here, but those who love the countryside cannot.  You can enjoy the autumn colors even from the bridge, but for those with good legs, let’s go down the deep valley 15min for one way.

nakatsugawa valley4
nakatsugawa valley4







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Panoramic view of Onogawa and Akimoto Lake (click photos)

On the way to Nakatsugawa Valley, Bandai-Azuma Lake Line(road) runs along the ridge.  The mountains colored in autumn colors looked like broccoli !

tou no hetsuri shrine
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Hugging Gorge that means you cannot pass without really hugging people you pass by, true or not ?

Hugging valley8

I tried translating the name of this gorge into English without permission, so it became like this title.   So, please do not search seriously with this name.  Anyway in the old days, you couldn’t pass each other without hugging each other.
River Tamagawa flowing through this gorge is cobalt blue.   It flows from Tamagawa Hot Spring* around Mt.Hachimantai, but since the strongly acidic water contains aluminum as a basic ion, the light with a short wavelength is scattered by its particles and the surface of water appears blue.   For the same reason, the water in Lake Tazawa looks blue due to injection of water of River Tamagawa long ago.
If you go sightseeing near here, you will definitely go to the famous Kakunodate with old samurai residence, but as a countryside lover, you should definitely visit the gorge that makes you feel the traces of a volcano.

*)A hot spring that warms your body with geothermal heat while wearing clothes in a sulfur-rich crater is worth a try.  Simply lay a straw rug on the ground and lie on your back.  You can also enjoy a bathing style where you just put your head out of a box filled with steam.

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Lake Tazawa
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Geto Hot Spring is even unexplored area even in the countryside

geto mountain stream
geto retro hotel
geto retro hotel

If you compare the ranking of hot springs to sumo wrestling, this is said to be Yokozuna (Grand Champion) in the east.  There are many original hot springs along the blue-white river, and fresh hot springs spring from the bottom of the wild bathtub.  The hot springs are said to deteriorate from the moment they come into contact with the air, so it’s ideal because they come directly to the bathtub without touching the air. On the other hand, however, some hot springs are ridiculously hot, so be careful not to burn yourself.  Another point to note is that you have to go down to the riverbed every time you want to enter any hot spring, so you will be exhausted to enter the hot spring. It may be because this is Yokozuna !

geto hot spring
geto hot spring

Hot spring cabin is dismantled before every winter so as not to be crushed by deep snow.  Thank you for their hard work and enjoy the hot springs.



tono-go hachimanngu shrine
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Motsuji-Temple, World Heritage, and Yoshitsune self-harm land overlooking the Kitakami River where basho wrote famous haiku

kitakami river

‘The Summer grasses / Of brave soldier’s dreams / The aftermath’

by Basho

Basho traveled to Tohoku district during the Edo period and left many famous haiku poems. One of them is the battlefield of the distant past.  The view of the flowing Kitakami River where Basho wrote this haiku was impressed and too sad because this was just the place where Yoshitsune harmed himself being surrounded by his brother’s army and where the glory of Hiraizumi began to collapse.   Almost the same fate as the one of Emishi was repeated.

Stories of Aterui and Yoshitsune in another post     >read more

Motsuji Temple, World Heritage

motsuji temple pond
motsuji temple pond

It was said that Hiraizumi had the same scale and brilliance as the capital of Kyoto during its Golden Age.  Being far from the political center brought peace and prosperity to Hiraizumi.  The garden in Motsuji Temple has been restored and remind us of Uji-Byodoin Temple in Kyoto.

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tono-go hachimanngu shrine
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Geibikei  Canyon, Boat excursion that invites us to ‘Another World isolated’.  Fun at the end !

geibikei senryutan
geibikei boatman
geibikei boatman

The Kitakami Mountains have been land for a long time since the Japanese Islands were torn off from Russia by the plate movement.  They are older than the volcanic belt that runs through the Japanese archipelago.  Therefore, Geibikei was exposed to long erosion and a deep canyon was completed.

Until Edo period the villagers did not list the canyon on the map, fearing that many officials would visit it for sightseeing.  Recently, tourism development was carried out as a boat excursion.  Autumn leaves and snow boat excursions are also good, but the excursions in the calm atmosphere of the fresh green were exceptional.
In the canyon surrounded by cliffs,  I could hear only the voices of birds other than the sound of the water flowing by pointing the river bottom with a rod, and the song of the boatman quietly soaked into the canyon.

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Fun at the end !

geibikei stones
geibikei stones

At the turning point of excursion, once get off the boat and enjoy the spectacular view for a while.  At the end of walk, throw a stone toward the hole in the cliff and wish yourself good luck, or just try your own pitching control.  The things written on the stone that became a strike will be fulfilled, so it is necessary to check the things before throwing !

tono-go hachimanngu shrine
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Going down the Mogami River by boat

mogami river

‘Gathering early summer rains / Even more rapid / The Mogami River’
by Basho

boat going down
boat going down

Basho traveled to Tohoku district during the Edo period and left many famous haiku poems. One of them is the Mogami River.

fall from the cliff
waterfall from the cliff

The seasons were different, but the flow was not as intense as I expected.
Time seems to have stopped and the area is quiet. I can only hear the sound of pointing the boat’s rod to the river. A stream of water falls from the cliff and the boat song of the boatman is sucked into the mountains. On the way you can see the ruins of Oshin’s outdoor studio. I fell asleep on the way.

The following is a boat landing.  One-way, two-way, etc. you can chose according to your schedule.

white flower of buckwheat
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