The first thing you should do visiting Mr.Zenko’s house is say hello

zenkoji hondo

Just 80 minutes from Tokyo on the Hokuriku Shinkansen, you will arrive at the snow-covered city of prayer.    The exterior design of the Nagano Station building is an homage to the main hall of Zenkoji Temple.    Daimon, entrance of Zenkoji, is about a 10 minute bus ride from bus stop number 1 in front of the station.    The best time to visit is early in the morning when there are fewer worshipers on the approach, and this is when the shops on both sides of the approach open their shutters.

The pair of statues of A-un at the Niomon gate is powerful and reminds us of the statues made by Unkei at Todaiji Temple.


The Sanmon Gate finally comes into view in front of us, and it reminds us of the Sanmon Gate of Chion-in Temple in Kyoto, or the Sanmon Gate of Nanzen-ji Temple, where the great thief Goemon enjoyed a spectacular view from the top of the gate.    When you climb up here, you can see Nagano city below and the surrounding mountains, but you can also feel that Zenkoji is located at the top of the alluvial fan.

sanmon3 plaque
sanmon3 plaque

The name of Zenkoji is written on the plaque on the temple gate.    Normally people would be excited to find the five pigeons hidden inside the kanji, but I’m more curious about why the name of the temple is written on the plaque when the mountain name is usually written on it.     Returning to the topic of looking for pigeons, it is difficult to find the last one, but the biggest hint is that its tail is visible.    Just find it on site.

zenkoji ekobashira
zenkoji eko pillar

I also asked the security guard at the temple gate and was convinced that there was still a knowledge hidden in this plaque.    At Zenkoji Temple, an Eko (memorial service) pillar is erected in front of the main hall once every six years in order to connect with Maedachi on behalf of the principal image, and touching this pillar is a major event.    Speaking of Zenkoji Temple, there is a famous story called


                           “Visiting Zenkoji Temple being pulled by a Cow”

in which a woman who did not believe in Buddhism got her costume caught in the horns of a cow, and the woman chased after it to get it back and ends up visiting Zenkoji Temple.    The cow was an incarnation of Buddha.   The face of the cow and the Kanji character of a sheep, animal 6th year after a cow year in the Chinese zodiac, are hidden in this Zenkoji plaque.

Now, we finally enter the main hall, but since the attraction here is famous, where you search for the key to connect with the principal image in the dark, you can’t help but head towards the entrance of an altar tour first.    Then, the monk who guides tourists inside the temple scolds them, saying, “What’s wrong with going into someone’s house and not greeting the Lord?”    Then you notice that the principal image of the Buddha, which should be located directly in front of the center inside the main hall, is now to the left of the center.    To the right of the center is a statue of the Lord of the house and his family.    The monk explains that Zenkoji is not actually a temple, but Zenko-san’s private residence, and the Buddha is enshrined there.    So, first of all, you have to say hello to the Lord.

By the way, I couldn’t get enough of being scolded, so I asked him about the secret Buddha statue, which even the head priest of Zenkoji Temple had never seen, how big it was and what it was made of, and he answered smoothly that it was 1 sun and 8 shaku (about 54cm) tall and made of gold.    The story is about Mr. HONDA Yoshimitsu (Zenko), a local civil servant, who picked up a Buddhist statue that had been abandoned (due to the Mononobe clan’s anti-Buddhism movement during the Asuka period) in Namba (Osaka) while on a business trip.    The story is that since people didn’t know about the existence of Buddha or the value of gold at that time, no one would have paid any attention to it even if it was thrown away.    It makes sense, but I wonder if that’s true.

Afterwards, Minamoto no Yoritomo also visited Zenkoji Temple, and the secret Buddha statue was brought out by Takeda Shingen and returned by Toyotomi Hideyoshi.    In any case, it was famous enough to be talked about at the time.    By the way, when you look up at the ceiling, you can see the pattern of the chrysanthemum crest.   The monk boasts that this is proof that the Imperial family donated the money.

altar tour at zenkoji
entrance of altar tour at zenkoji (Source: Zenkoji HP)

Now it’s time to tour the altar.    At the entrance, hold your luggage in your left hand and run along the wall with your right hand to touch the key that connects to the principal image above.    It’s getting darker and darker, and I’m afraid to take a step forward.    I don’t think anything will come out, but it’s scarier than a haunted house.    I suddenly feel anxious and want to hold on to something or someone (=> Buddha) to guide me.    This is the purpose of the altar tour.    At first I thought that if someone lost something in the pitch darkness, the monk would look for it with a flashlight, but as the tour progressed, the darkness made me forget that.

Finally, go to the sutra.    I’m amazed at the opportunism that by rotating the  octagonal receptacle that holds the sutras by hands, you can get the same merit as reading all 7,000 volumes of sutras.    I heard that the weight of the storage receptacle is 5 tons, of which 1.2 tons are sutras, but does the difference of 3.8 tons relate to merit?

                         Zenkoji Temple was full of knowledge !




evolve lunch (8)chestnut sweet
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A detour in late autumn, Heirinji Temple completely dyed in red.

heirin temple11
heirin temple6
heirin temple6

Hei-rin-ji Temple was named after the flat (“Hei” in Japanese) forest (“rin” in Japanese).    Friendly and easy to understand.   The entire vast precinct is colored with autumn leaves, and there is a walking path within the precinct.    If you go to the back, there are places where the leaves have not turned autumn yet, so you can enjoy the gradation.   But anyway, it’s hard to take a detour.    You have to take a bus from Hibarigaoka station on the Seibu Ikebukuro Line.


Hibarigaoka is a famous place that was developed as a mammoth housing complex to meet the demand for new families to live during the time when Japan’s population increased explosively due to the baby boom.   The housing complex is on the opposite side of the station from Heirinji Temple, but renovations have progressed and some of the former housing complexes are now being used as shops, one of which is a café that serves giant pancakes.    It’s baked after you order it, so please look forward to it.

seibu railway laview and mt.Buko
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Cruising to Tomonoura, a historic town


There are no unsophisticated people who come to the Seto Inland Sea and travel by land from Onomichi to Tomonoura.    On the way of sea, you can see a large suspension bridge, a shipyard, and Kannon who prays for maritime safety.   However, please note that this cruise ship makes two round trips a day only on weekends and holidays.

Crusing from Onomichi to Tomonoura

Well, Tomonoura is located right in the middle of the Seto Inland Sea and was a port of waiting for the tide in the age of ships that depended on the wind and currents.   The high tide coming from the east and west channels of the Seto Inland Sea collides offshore, and the force is used to enter the port.    When leaving the port to advance offshore, it uses the power of the ebb tide that pulls it to the east and west .

The place where the Korean envoys stopped by still remains, and it is also the place where Japan’s first maritime casualty negotiations occurred between steamships on the late Edo period.    Here is the site of a true story in which the Kishu Domain (almost  Wakayama prefecture), which was under the control of the shogunate, was defeated by the Kaientai led by Ryoma Sakamoto, according to the World Public Law.

It’s fun to take a leisurely stroll through the nostalgic port town.    This is the stage of “Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea” produced by Studio Ghibli. Furthermore, ‘Hohmeishu’, sweet sake with Japanese herbs, is famous, but you should also try original sweet sake ‘mirin’ which enhances the flavor of the dish.

itsukushima shrine1
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Western Pure Land, namely paradise after death

huge floor in kumano shrine
shingu kumano shrine
shingu kumano shrine

Western Pure Land, namely paradise after death in the direction where the sun sets, is where the Agano River flows out west from the Aizu Basin.

As I mentioned three types of Buddha statues, the latest type was ‘Amida’ who promises the happiness of the next life in an uneasy era when the plague spread and war began to break out here and there at Heian period end.  “The next life begins from next day” was connected to sun set and people has believed in paradise after death in the west.
That is Western Pure Land.

niouzou in kamiunai yakushi
niouzou in kamiunai yakushi

On the other hand, it seems that the people of the Middle Ages had traveled quite far. The Aizu Lord regretted that money would drop in other areas, and set up 33 Kannon tours in his territory by connecting 33 Buddhist temples with the same history as Nara, accomplishment of it would promise happiness for the next life.




There are many places of faith in Western Pure Land in Aizu, but choose below.

gingyo 800 years old
gingyo 800 years old

Shingu-Kumano Shrine

800 years old Ginkgo and huge worship hall without walls




kamiunai yakushi temple
kamiunai yakushi temple

Kamiunai-Yakushi Temple
(prior reservation)

The same style of Buddha statue as in Shoujiji Temple.




eryuji temple
eryuji temple

Eryuji Temple

7m height Kannon(Buddha statue) carved in a standing tree with 30 statues including statues with wings like a christian angel statue.



Sake difficult to obtain

hiroki sake brewery
hiroki sake brewery

Faith and sake have always been linked.  Great sake exists in Western Pure Land.
‘Hiroki’ is my favorite sake.  Side dish is not needed and I enjoy it alone.



sake hiroki out of stock
sake hiroki out of stock

“Even I can’t get it.”, said the worker in that brewery in Aizu Bange downtown.  I failed to get fantastic sake directly.





tou no hetsuri shrine
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Shoujyouji Temple with National treasure buddha statue comparable to Yakushiji Temple in Nara

shoujyouji temple main
shoujyouji temple gate
shoujyouji temple gate

Temple size is now small but the meaning is comparable to Yakushiji Temple in Nara, where the main statue is Buddha giving medicine to people.
If I write without fear of misunderstanding, there are three types of Buddha statues: Buddha, the founder of enlightenment, pharmacist (Namely ‘Yakushi’ is a medicine master in literary in Japanese.) who cures the illness of this world, and Amida who promises the happiness of the next life.

bandai mountains from shoujyouji
bandai mountains from shoujyouji


Advance reservations* are required to view Yakushi Nyorai(Buddha statue), but it is a good opportunity to know that there was a similar Buddhist culture in the area away from Kyoto and Nara.
*)Local people take care of the temple by themselves.

Small Detour

nanukamachi street
nanukamachi street in aizu wakamatsu city

There are many tourist destinations in Aizu-Wakamatsu City, but this site is about the countryside, so I will omit it here.  I had a glance of historical street ‘Nanukamachi’ by chance passing through the city.


tou no hetsuri shrine
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Sazaedo like a turban shell is a pilgrimage place of religion

inawashiro lake
sazaedo front
sazaedo front

Sazaedo is located at the foot* of Mt.Iimori, where 19 young samurais committed suicide by seeing a burning their lord’s castle in 1868 when Aizu Domain was artificially hit by the new government after the Edo Shogunate to show it.

*)There was a guide to recommend using a paid escalator not to get tired when going to the sacred place from now on.   What about that?
The Aizu-Wakamatsu city at twilight that spreads to the west was very impressive.

twilight aizu wakamatsu city
twilight aizu wakamatsu chity

Sazaedo means not only the name ‘Turban shell Temple’ in English but also the shape of inside structure.  When you enter from the front, the slope climbs in a spiral to the right. However, when you cross the bridge at the top, it turns into a descending counterclockwise slope, and at the end you will be behind the building.  This structure not only did not cause traffic congestion inside, but it was also a place where people could visit many Buddha efficiently by placing 33 Kannon(Buddha statues) on the slope at that time.   Was it profitable in faith?

sazaedo inside top
sazaedo inside top
sazaedo front
sazaedo side









Distant view of Inawashiro Lake like Death Sea in Israel and Jordan and Mt.Bandai illuminated by the setting sun

bandai mountains
bandai mountains

tou no hetsuri shrine
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Buddha’s wisdom bag, Monjyu Bodhisattva, is a children’s playground in Takahata Town

Kameoka Main hall

Kameoka Monjyu-dou is one of Japan’s three major Monjyu Bodhisattva with wisdom.   

Two heads are better than one.

There are similar expressions in each country, but in Japan, the three heads are said to be comparable to the Monjyu Bodhisattva.   Is Monjyu Bodhisattva respected with three heads or is it lightly seen?

Abe Monjyu-in in Nara prefecture is the most famous and worth seeing as National treasure, but Kameoka’s is simple and friendly in the countryside.    The sculptures of the monks studying along the approach of the tree lined with cedars welcomed us.

I was surprised that there is a hierarchy in the world of Buddha.   An enlightened person is called Nyorai as highest rank, and is usually accompanied by several Bodhisattva.    Furthermore, there are many layers under the Bodhisattva.  The world of Buddha is also tough.

No graffiti
No graffiti

By the way, Bonjyu Bodhisattva is a Buddha of wisdom who is an attendant of Shaka Nyorai.   That’s why many examinees are visiting and the examination season is at the time of earning money at Kameoka Bonjyu-dou.   Although I wasn’t in the examination season when I visited there, many children were worshiping in the hall with parents and I was impressed that it was a temple that blended into the area.   On the other hand, the attention not to doodle on the Monjyu-dou was indicated, but “Your graffiti halves your wisdom”, or something that it should be written down on its attention with a little more wisdom !  When you go to the back of the hall, you will find water that gives you wisdom when you drink it.  Drinking too much water halves your wisdom !

In Takahata Town, there is another old shrine that should not be overlooked. From Akutsu Hachiman, I think it is a historical shrine of Genji.
There was a magnificent thatched main shrine at the back, but for some reason there was a triple-storied pagoda of Buddhist architecture at the shrine.


Mountain Pass Station0
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Sasano Kannon with thatched roof like a helmet of battle is a symbol of faith

Sasano Kannon5

Sasano Kannon is one of the 33 Kannon pilgrimages in Okitama area, but it is especially admirable because the lord of the Yonezawa domain had visited it repeatedly. The roof is very large compared to the lower structure, and the sculptures under the eaves are rich and detailed.

Kannon aims to relieve people’s suffering by changing 33 forms and faces, so 33 Kannon pilgrimage routes had been established in various areas, and it is interesting that industries such as local specialty products are flourishing there.

In Sasano Kannon, lord Youzan Uesugi encouraged the hawk carving by only one engraving tool, and its technology has been passed down to the present day near the Kannon.
The hawk’s carvings made from the Enju tree, Japanese Pagoda tree, have a reddish exposed core that forms part of the design (see below left).    It is said that Enju is good for longevity and success in life because it is written in Kanji, Japanese character, that the life span extends.  Japanese people like these word games !

The famous saying* is displayed (see above right) because the store name is ‘Youzan’, which President Kennedy had respected.
 >Please read detail another post.

*)”If you try to do, it can be achieved, if you don’t, it will never be achieved. Achieving nothing is due to one’s own intention to not try.”

I found something valuable in this shop.    It’s a basket woven from mountain vines and sells for $3,000 to $4,000 per department store in Tokyo.    See for yourself how much is here.


Mountain Pass Station0
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Motsuji-Temple, World Heritage, and Yoshitsune self-harm land overlooking the Kitakami River where basho wrote famous haiku

kitakami river

‘The Summer grasses / Of brave soldier’s dreams / The aftermath’

by Basho

Basho traveled to Tohoku district during the Edo period and left many famous haiku poems. One of them is the battlefield of the distant past.  The view of the flowing Kitakami River where Basho wrote this haiku was impressed and too sad because this was just the place where Yoshitsune harmed himself being surrounded by his brother’s army and where the glory of Hiraizumi began to collapse.   Almost the same fate as the one of Emishi was repeated.

Stories of Aterui and Yoshitsune in another post     >read more

Motsuji Temple, World Heritage

motsuji temple pond
motsuji temple pond

It was said that Hiraizumi had the same scale and brilliance as the capital of Kyoto during its Golden Age.  Being far from the political center brought peace and prosperity to Hiraizumi.  The garden in Motsuji Temple has been restored and remind us of Uji-Byodoin Temple in Kyoto.

Gallery (click photos)

Chusonji Temple, World Heritage, where the highlights are connected by a too long slope, and finally arrive at the Golden Hall after getting tired

chusonji temple gate

‘Eary summer rains / Fall not here / Temple of light’

by Basho

cyusonji temple basho
chusonji temple basho

Basho traveled to Tohoku district during the Edo period and left many famous haiku poems. One of them is the Chusonji Temple, especially the golden hall.  The hall was shining with a dazzling light, which seemed to have prevented the rain.   It may have something to do with the discovery in Tohoku as a result of exploring the whole country because a large amount of gold was needed to manufacture the Great Buddha of Todaiji Temple in the Nara era.

cyusonji temple oi
chusonji temple oi

You can’t reach the golden hall unless you climb a fairly long slope. There are many highlights, so let’s save your physical strength.  One of highlights I thought was the backpack ‘oi’ Benkei used when he came back to Hiraizumi to accompany his master Yoshitsune and escaped from the army of Yoshitsune’s brother Minamoto no Yoritomo.  I was surprised that there was something like this.  It was made of wood with ‘Kamakura’ carving.  How ironic it is that the name of carving method came from the capital name where Yoritomo put the political center.

koromogawa saku
koromogawa saku

Here around Chusonji Temple is strategic region that have been important since ancient times.   It was the forefront base when the Yamato Imperial Court was trying to expand its power to the north in Heian period, and it was also the forefront of Emishi defense.  The captured leader of Emishi, Aterui, was killed in Kyoto, almost the same as the fate of Yoshitsune.   You can look down on Japan’s oldest ancient battlefield from the place you climbed up, but the only trace is the lush river.  Against this background, another Basho haiku has been created.

cyusonji temple big trees
chusonji temple big trees
cyusonji temple basho
chusonji temple basho haiku