Historical Warehouses in Murata Town

warehouse2 murata
warehouse1 murata
warehouse1 murata

Once upon a time, safflower was a big trade product for lipsticks and dyes. Yamagata was famous as a production center, and the decoration of the cap of the Hanagasa Ondo (dance) is safflower.  However, the southern part of Miyagi Prefecture was also a safflower production area, and Murata Town became a trading center.  Then the merchant who made the fortune set up the warehouse.  Historical warehouses remain miraculously because the main railway and road  has passed another route.

kenkon-ichi murata
kenkon-ichi murata

One of these warehouses is now my favorite sake brewery.  It was a pity that the day I visited to buy something it was close.




Detour (Togatta Hot Spring overlooking Mt.Zao)

zao mountains
zao mountains from togatta hot spring

There are many really good hot springs around Mt.Zao, Togatta, Aone, Gaga, etc.  You can feel free to use the public bath to ease the fatigue of your trip.

aone hot spring
aone hot spring on the way to togatta

chourou lake3
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Historical warehouses and Sake breweries in Kitakata

warehouse in kitakata
homare sake brewery
homare sake brewery

There are a lot of histrical warehouses in Kitakata City.  Normaly they are used for storage but here in Kitakata the situation might be different.  Warehouse is a living space and a status symbol.

preparation tank of sake
preparation tank of sake






Recently many sake breweries in Aizu have got prizes of sake every year, especially in Kitakata.  You can visit and enjoy factory tour, tasting and walk in the garden there.  Find your favorite sake in case you are not a driver, otherwise you need a capable navigator of not driving but tasting.

yamatogawa sake brewery tasting
yamatogawa sakebrewery tasting


Floor heating system for winter

melting snow system like floor heating
melting snow system like floor heating

I happened to see a construction site of a snow melting system for winter.   It’s like a floor heating system for a house.





tou no hetsuri shrine
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