Giant Suspension Bridge and unrelated snake spectacle

suspension bridge3
suspension bridge0
suspension bridge0

I used to think that suspension bridges were built out of necessity, but seeing this made me realize that they were purposely built in places where they didn’t need to be built, just to make people feel scary.    Many people walk on the suspension bridge, which looks just like a wide pedestrian bridge.   Although the suspension bridge uses fairly thick wire rope, you can still feel some sway.    There is a magnificent waterfall that can only be seen from here, but the scale of the view from the suspension bridge is so large that the waterfall feels small.

There are also places in the Tohoku region where the views from bridges are dynamic.    Johgakura Bridge in Aomori Prefecture is a good place to stop by on your way to the Shirakami Mountain Range and Lake Towada as above photos.    It’s also a good idea to stop by the bridge that spans the Nakatsugawa Valley in Fukushima Prefecture near Goshikinuma on Mt. Bandai.


Once you cross the suspension bridge, you will see a building that looks like a haunted house at the festival venue.    In front of the house, there was a crowd of people who seemed to be hesitating whether to enter or not.   This place holds a spectacle where customers can touch and hold white snakes in hopes of attracting financial luck.    I was reluctant to enter, but my companion was blinded by financial fortune and we decided to enter.

When I pay, the thick curtain in front of me opens and I come face to face with two white snakes.    One of them is called “Toguro,” which coils itself on my hand, and the other is “Makitsuki,” which wraps around my arm.”    No matter who holds them, these snakes maintain the same posture as their namesake, so these must be their favorite poses.   The touch was unlike anything I had ever felt before, neither cold nor warm, and I was filled with the desire to return them as soon as possible.    In the end, it was the people at the show booths who were lucky to make money.


Tonight we will be staying at Kiyasuya in Sujiyu Onsen, but Sujiyu Onsen is also home to a famous public bathhouse “Utase-yu.”   The name Sujiyu originally came from the fact that the hot spring ingredients are effective for soothing tired muscles, but the public bath is an ultimate hot spring where the hot spring water is dropped from a height of about 3 meters to soothe the body.

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Figures inside Nabegataki waterfall

nabegataki waterfall with people inside
nabegataki waterfall from inside
nabegataki waterfall from inside

It became famous after it was used in the filming of several tea commercials on TV.    It was created by erosion after the eruption of Mt. Aso 90,000 years ago.    It’s fascinating to go behind the waterfall.   However, people accumulate there, so if you take a photo of the waterfall from outside, people will appear behind the waterfall curtain like ghosts.  It seems like admission is now restricted by advance reservations online.



You won’t be able to see the waterfall until you have descended quite a bit from the entrance, so you can see the sunlight shining into the basin of the waterfall, which is beautiful.

It’s difficult to talk about the beauty of waterfalls.    First of all, there is no taxonomy of waterfalls, so each person imagines a waterfall in a variety of ways.   There are waterfalls that fall in a dynamic straight line, waterfalls with many tiered basins, waterfalls that cascade down the rock surface, and waterfalls that flow delicately and quietly as if pulling a thread, each with its own unique charm.   Under such circumstances, I wonder whose permission they get to decide on the top 100 waterfalls.   There are wonderful waterfalls all over Japan, so I hope you find your favorite one by yourself.    Here I will introduce my favorites, Snoopy Falls and Nametsu Falls.


There is a restaurant near the waterfall that serves my favorite lunch.     Last time I stopped by, I bought a bunch of herbal tea.

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Nametsu Waterfall like a water slider, stopping by fresh soba festival

nametsu big waterfall2
nametsu big waterfall top
nametsu big waterfall top

Nametsu Otaki Waterfall is a two-tiered waterfall that covers a wide river width (30m), but the remarkable feature is the smooth surface of tuff under the waterfall.  So I intuitively thought it would be interesting if this was a water slider.  Another idea is to pour somen (noodle) from the top of waterfall and scoop it up at the bottom of waterfall.  It would be a fun for cool noodle !
Shichikashuku town wouldn’t adopt these ideas……..

shichigasyuku road soba festival
shichikashuku road soba festival

There are a lot of soba restaurants along Shichikashuku Highroad connected to Takahata town, Yamagata where Takahata winery is located.  In this season  we can eat fresh buckwheat noodles by grinding freshly picked soba with a stone mill.   Especially you can try some remarkable restaurants at the same time at cheap price during soba festival.

soba restaurant
soba reataurant


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Take a walk from the top to the bottom of Akiu Otaki Big Waterfall

akiu big waterfall bottom
akiu big waterfall viewpoint
akiu big waterfall viewpoint

As you enter the temple next to the Botanical Garden, you will find a place overlooking the famous Akiu Otaki Big Waterfall.   Before that, there is something to write down.   There is a store selling various herbs at the entrance.  Among them was a tree of eye drops found in the real botanical picture book in the garden.  ‘Tree of eye drops’ is just the name of tree.  When the bark of the tree was boiled, it turned into a pink liquid, and drinking it helped with eye fatigue. I felt a bit bitter but healthy.

akiu big waterfall walking
akiu big waterfall walking

A trail extends to the bottom of the waterfall. The bottom of the waterfall was wider than I expected. I’ve come a long time ago, but at that time I had a narrower memory, but has it collapsed?
As the waterfall runs down east, if you try to take a picture, it will be backlight or strong shade  unless it is early in the morning.


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Akiu Botanical Garden only where delicate waterfalls can be seen

akiu botanical garden
akiu real botanical picture book
akiu real botanical picture book

Although it is close to the border of Yamagata prefecture, I arrived in about 30 minutes from Sendai city due to the development of transportation.

The botanical gardens have wonderful flowers, fresh greenery and autumn leaves in each season(closed in winter), but in

sudare waterfall
sudare waterfall

addition there are two wonderful waterfalls that cannot be seen unless you enter here.  A typical tourist will return home after seeing Akiu Otaki Big fall near here, but let’s step on the fallen leaves and find your wonderful autumn here.

Gallery (click photos)

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Snoopy Waterfall, No Doubt !

head of snoopy

It appears in front of you the moment you turn the promenade.  There is no doubt  that it looks snoopy no matter what you look at.  I recognized this waterfall when watching TV program casually a few years ago.   The official name is Miroku Waterfall, which come from Buddhist thought.  Certainly, I felt that way because it suddenly appeared after turning the promenade.
I was planning to make a detour* on the way back from Lake Towada on 2nd day but the sunset was early in the deep mountains, so I gave up to stop by and next day challenged.

*)It is on the way down from Lake Towada to Iwate prefecture through the southside of Aomori prefecture.   Entering from the main road**, it is at the end of a dead end road.   No gas station nearby around Lake Towada.  Be careful !

**)Takko Town is located along the main road.  The garlic in Takko Town is famous for its quality, which makes it possible to revitalize the town.

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Oirase Valley in the rain

oirase river 6
oirase valley start
oirase valley start

It rains!   It rains!   It rains!  …….

Is there something like this?  Even thought it’s the highlight of the tourist spot !   But few tourists and the roof of trees as an umbrella made us refreshing.


oirase valley waterfall 3
oirase valley waterfall here and there

Surprisingly a few person walk* from Ishigedo  to Choshi-Ohtaki for 4 hours.   Walking road almost goes  along the Oirase river and is flat like the flow.   Let’s watch slowly calm flow and attractive waterfalls here and there.   Choshi-Ohtaki(big waterfall) flown from Lake Towada welcome you at the goal.  Coincidentally we saw the moment when part of the waterfall wall collapsed with explosive sound.  I’m sure the wallrock broke along the columnar joints.

choshi big waterfall
choshi big waterfall



*)You can pick up a bus almost every hour at several bus stops on the way.   If you use a rental car, it would be difficult to find out your parking space at Ishigedo in high season, especially weekend.
At Ishigedo, the cup of coffee using Oirase flesh water after long walk was full of bliss !

Highlight from Ishigedo to Choshi-Ohtaki(click photo)

Start Point

Goal Point

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High-speed railway suddenly appears at the lonely station building in deep mountains

Mountain Pass Station2

On the way to Namegawa Hot Spring in Yamagata prefecture, I have been searching mobile radio wave to book an event ticket that starts from that day through the Internet.   There was poor wave among deep mountains between Fukushima prefecture and Yamagata prefecture and I found a route sign of ‘Mountain Pass Station’ when the intensity of radio wave became strong.   I recognized that mobile phone access point should be located at this station because passengers getting on or off the station can use mobile phone.

The unmanned station, the name of which is ‘Mountain Pass’, looked like a storage yard surely as a measure against deep snow but nobody seemed to use it.  I heard the chirping of wild birds and felt the presence of wildlife outside the yard.   A place left behind in the real world.    Suddenly an alarm sounded in the yard and the Yamagata Shinkansen(High Speed Railway)* ran through the yard in a moment.    And it returned to the original silence.

I felt a mysterious feeling that I could slip through the world of reality and fantasy in an instant.

*)Shinkansen transit times and local timetables are displayed in unmanned stations. It is rare for this station to meet a local line. There are rarely any places where you can see the Shinkansen passing by at the height of the tracks up close.

Before the Shinkansen passed, the local line seemed to switch back here and climb the mountain pass.    The trace of the switchback can be seen from the photo below.    You can also find the railroad crossing when the Shinkansen passes !

Detour (Namegawa Hot Spring and Waterfall)

Please be careful when driving until you reach the hot spring.   About one hour from the retro hot spring, there is a large waterfall that runs down onto a monolith 80 meters high. The suspension bridge on the side of the inn has collapsed, so you need to wear boots and cross the river yourself.  I missed the chance due to no boots at that time, so photos in gallery are not Namegawa Waterfall.


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