Volcanic Area in Summer Itinerary


The theme of this trip is a volcano.   Even so, the cover photo is a tropical beach!   However, this is the shore of Lake Tazawa with a caldera topography. Since the water quality is strongly acidic, the blue gradation looks beautiful.
The subduction of the Pacific Plate caused friction to create magma and a volcanic zone.   I learned that Hachimantai was Aspite volcano (Shield volcano) when I was a student, but it seems that it was actually Konide volcano (Stratovolcano).   However, the name of the tourist road called Hachimantai Aspite Line remains.   Volcanoes offer a lot of blessings as well as threats.   You can also enjoy the famous fireworks display* in the volcanic area.
On the other hand, we do not stop at Nyuto Hot Spring with milky white color, which is popular with foreign tourists.

*) <Caution> The Ohmagari Fireworks Festival is held every four seasons, but the summer 2020 has been canceled due to the covid-19.


1st  day

09:00  Drive* to Hachimantai Aspite Line(road) from JR Morioka station

*)Buy too big rice balls at Macchan Market located near the entrance gate of Line not to be hungry at the peak of mountain.

10:00 Hachimantai trekking searching the peak of the flat mountain (stay time: 2h)

Hachiman pond
Hachiman pond

12:30 Goshogake Nature Park enjoying baby volcanos and sulfur gas? (stay time: 1h)

Sulfur gas5
Sulfur gas5

15:17 Get on the train to Ohmagari at JR Tazawako station*

*)Park a car at the supermarket near the station to avoid strong congestion around Ohmagari, where you might not  go out even from the parking space at Ohmagari until next morning! (It’s true). Buy something for dinner during festival.

16:30 Ohmagari Fireworks Festival including daytime fireworks like a volcanic eruption

*)30min walk to the venue from station.  Daytime fireworks start at 17:15, followed by Night fireworks at 19:00.  Live broadcasting from Community FM 87.3MHz ‘HANABI’

Daytime fireworks2
Daytime fireworks2
Fireworks at night1
Fireworks at night1

22:04 Get on the train back to Tazawako at JR Ohmagari station*

*)It could be a long queue to board, so fast walk back to the station after final fireworks at 21:30.
**)Inform the mountain cottage where staying at this night of late arrival in advance (with reservation).  The situation is the same for all lodgings in this festival night.  Take care of the night driving from Tazawako station to the mountain cottage in Mizusawa Hot Spring village

Hot spring
Hot spring

2nd day

8:49 Get on a shuttle bus* to Mt.Akita-Komagatake with rich alpine plants,  Moomin valley and bears that occasionally appear in the fog (stay  time:2h)

*)It is regulated to transfer to the shuttle bus at Alpa Komakusa center.  Lake Tazawa looks like a hand mirror on the way.

Akita-Komagatake in clear
Akita-Komagatake in clear

12:00 Lake Tazawa which looks like a tropical beach is mysterious

blue gradation
blue gradation

14:00 Hugging Gorge that means you cannot pass without really hugging people you pass by, true or not ? (stay time: 1h)

15:00 Return to Morioka or move to another destination*

*)Take a bath at too famous Nyuto Hot Spring or visit Koiwai farm for sightseeing

Hugging valley4
Hugging valley4

Please contact us through Contact us‘ form if you have any questions.

Gallery  (click and get ideas !)

Hachiman pond
Hachiman pond
Sulfur gas1
Sulfur gas1
Daytime fireworks2
Daytime fireworks2
Akita-Komagatake in clear
Akita-Komagatake in clear
blue gradation
blue gradation
Hugging valley8
Hugging valley8