Are dolphins messengers of God?

From the Amakusa Islands, Mount Unzen on the Shimabara Peninsula can be seen nearby, and many wild dolphins live here where the Ariake Sea exits into the East China Sea.    In any case, as soon as we set out on our fishing boat, the dolphins started chasing us as if they were enjoying the competition.   Several of them work together to blow the tide and pass under the bottom of the ship.  It’s like a messenger of peace.

Although it is advertised as a sightseeing boat for viewing dolphins, the hull is essentially a fishing boat.    The price includes lunch.     I was wondering to myself what would happen if I ate it, got on board, and got seasick.

A detour

As you head north along the west coast of the island from Sakitsu Church, you will see “Myoken-ura”, a sea cliff shaped like an elephant, “Tits Rock”, which is difficult to take photos with women, and a lighthouse floating off the coast that looks like “the Statue of Liberty”.   In Amakusa City, you can buy Amakusa pottery “Kohiki” that was introduced from Korea, and Gion Bridge, which is a stone bridge but has multiple girders lined up instead of arches, is a must-see.”

Another detour

At the tip of the Misumi Peninsula, where the bridge to the Amakusa Islands crosses, there is a stone wharf called Misumi Nishi Port that remains from the Meiji period, and has been designated as a World Cultural Heritage Site.    If you have time, it’s a place where you can relax.


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