Autumn Leaves in Hachimantai

geothermal power generation
geothermal power generation

Main tourist area is the flat top of Hachimantai  mountains with alpine plants and  panoramic view around the tourist road named Hachimantai Aspite Line.  The mountains are volcano formed by lava with low viscosity.   That is why the top is flat.     > > read more about volcano story

The origin of the name is told to come from God of battle luck ‘Hachiman-sama’.   ‘Hachiman’ is a symbolic icon related to ‘Genji’ that created the first samurai society in Japan.


There are many hot springs in Machimantai volcano.   Matsukawa hot spring village, very attractive one of them, is located in the south of Hachimantai and it seems to be floating on the forest sea, especially autumn colors sea.   The big truss structure bridge, 5  mins abover the village, has been left due to the cancelation of the traverse road construction plan reflecting natural environment movement and now it fortunately became a great view point !

Panorama View from the bridge (click photo)

Left: toward the flat peak of Mt.Hachimantai
Center: Matsukawa valley (Matsukawa Hot Spring)
Right: toward Mt.Iwate

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