Buddha’s wisdom bag, Monjyu Bodhisattva, is a children’s playground in Takahata Town

Kameoka Monjyu-dou is one of Japan’s three major Monjyu Bodhisattva with wisdom.   

Two heads are better than one.

There are similar expressions in each country, but in Japan, the three heads are said to be comparable to the Monjyu Bodhisattva.   Is Monjyu Bodhisattva respected with three heads or is it lightly seen?

Abe Monjyu-in in Nara prefecture is the most famous and worth seeing as National treasure, but Kameoka’s is simple and friendly in the countryside.    The sculptures of the monks studying along the approach of the tree lined with cedars welcomed us.

I was surprised that there is a hierarchy in the world of Buddha.   An enlightened person is called Nyorai as highest rank, and is usually accompanied by several Bodhisattva.    Furthermore, there are many layers under the Bodhisattva.  The world of Buddha is also tough.

No graffiti
No graffiti

By the way, Bonjyu Bodhisattva is a Buddha of wisdom who is an attendant of Shaka Nyorai.   That’s why many examinees are visiting and the examination season is at the time of earning money at Kameoka Bonjyu-dou.   Although I wasn’t in the examination season when I visited there, many children were worshiping in the hall with parents and I was impressed that it was a temple that blended into the area.   On the other hand, the attention not to doodle on the Monjyu-dou was indicated, but “Your graffiti halves your wisdom”, or something that it should be written down on its attention with a little more wisdom !  When you go to the back of the hall, you will find water that gives you wisdom when you drink it.  Drinking too much water halves your wisdom !

In Takahata Town, there is another old shrine that should not be overlooked. From Akutsu Hachiman, I think it is a historical shrine of Genji.
There was a magnificent thatched main shrine at the back, but for some reason there was a triple-storied pagoda of Buddhist architecture at the shrine.


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