Don’t miss the coastal scenery. Sanriku Railway does not run along the sea than expected. 

big catch flag
big catch flag

National railways have been privatized and local lines have been abolished. With the advent of the society of motorization, the abolition of local lines continues. But wonder why, the train running in the countryside even on a single-car train gives us courage. That is Sanriku Railway, we call ‘Santetsu’ with friendliness.  It run on the remaining section five days after the Great East Japan Earthquake, also overcoming the damage caused by the typhoon in 2019 and impressing us.

bridge view from train
bridge view from train

It was originally built to deliver goods in the event of a disaster, so there are few sections where you can see the sea from the train window. What’s more, unfortunately, the section where the sea can be seen is valuable because of the construction of a seawall to prevent a tsunami after the Great East Japan Earthquake. Rikuchu-noda station to Horinai station is a valuable section, so take a look at the sea.  Note that the station name is also included in the drama settings. It’s complicated……

scallop and sake at noda
scallop and sake at noda



Salt, scallops and kelp are recommended in this region.





sun rise at noda
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