Hakkoda Mountains and swamps


The origin of the name Hakkoda Mountains seems to be that there are many shell-shaped peaks and marshes.   Therefore, it is a very complicated terrain.   So the next tragedy may have been born.
What comes to mind at Hakkoda Mountains is the 1902 distress of 200 people during the snow march training of the Japanese Army.   It seems preparing for the war against Russia.   Meanwhile, another unit was also training at the same time, and it is said that it passed through the distress scene but was kept secret.

Most travelers look at the rugs of autumn colors on the Hakkoda ropeway, but those who love the countryside want to immerse themselves in a quiet place.   The route going through from Sukayu hot spring to Tsuta hot spring, which is opposite side of the distress,  is one of my favorite driving roads.  Stopping by at Suiren swamp is strongly recommended because Mt.Hakkoda mountains reflect on the surface of the swamp on a sunny day and in the silence, wild birds and toads ! (big frogs) echo their voices in the distance.   Hell swamp with strong acid water near Sukayu hot spring, the photo of which is indicated on the top of this blog page, is also charming.   

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