Motsuji-Temple, World Heritage, and Yoshitsune self-harm land overlooking the Kitakami River where basho wrote famous haiku

‘The Summer grasses / Of brave soldier’s dreams / The aftermath’

by Basho

Basho traveled to Tohoku district during the Edo period and left many famous haiku poems. One of them is the battlefield of the distant past.  The view of the flowing Kitakami River where Basho wrote this haiku was impressed and too sad because this was just the place where Yoshitsune harmed himself being surrounded by his brother’s army and where the glory of Hiraizumi began to collapse.   Almost the same fate as the one of Emishi was repeated.

Stories of Aterui and Yoshitsune in another post     >read more

Motsuji Temple, World Heritage

motsuji temple pond
motsuji temple pond

It was said that Hiraizumi had the same scale and brilliance as the capital of Kyoto during its Golden Age.  Being far from the political center brought peace and prosperity to Hiraizumi.  The garden in Motsuji Temple has been restored and remind us of Uji-Byodoin Temple in Kyoto.

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