Revenge Aso under the blue sky

I was finally able to visit the core of Aso.    Last time, I couldn’t see the whole thing in the rain clouds, but there was a swell of sticky lava, exposed bedrock towering as far as the eye could see, and it looked like there were cordons like construction sites all over the place.

When you look at it, you can feel that it is a volcano that is still active.   The most recent eruption occurred in October 2016.    Crater regulation information is updated daily, so if you don’t check it before you visit, you’ll be missing out even if the weather is nice.

Shiroyama view point on the edge of somma

Aso approach

Aso crater and Kusasenri (The grass stretches for a thousand miles)

Aso cattle are grazed on the mountain path along the way.    If you approach them carelessly, their eyes will turn bright red and threaten you.   I have seen bullfights, and when the fighting instinct comes to the fore, the bull’s eyes become bloodshot.    I’m looking forward to tonight’s beef steak.

kuju highway2
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