Take a walk from the top to the bottom of Akiu Otaki Big Waterfall

akiu big waterfall viewpoint
akiu big waterfall viewpoint

As you enter the temple next to the Botanical Garden, you will find a place overlooking the famous Akiu Otaki Big Waterfall.   Before that, there is something to write down.   There is a store selling various herbs at the entrance.  Among them was a tree of eye drops found in the real botanical picture book in the garden.  ‘Tree of eye drops’ is just the name of tree.  When the bark of the tree was boiled, it turned into a pink liquid, and drinking it helped with eye fatigue. I felt a bit bitter but healthy.

akiu big waterfall walking
akiu big waterfall walking

A trail extends to the bottom of the waterfall. The bottom of the waterfall was wider than I expected. I’ve come a long time ago, but at that time I had a narrower memory, but has it collapsed?
As the waterfall runs down east, if you try to take a picture, it will be backlight or strong shade  unless it is early in the morning.


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