After landing that island you are immediately surrounded by huge number of rabbits. There are lots of stories as to why rabbits were brought in Ohkuno island and bred. Looking at the rabbits lying on their bellies and too relaxing even when people approach, it seems like a peaceful island. However, ruins where the former army conducted poison gas experiments remain everywhere. My delusion (story) is that after World War II, the GHQ (occupying American army) released the rabbits to confirm the safety of the poison gas removal process.

Don’t forget to procure rabbit food before crossing the island. Rabbits don’t care about people who don’t have food.
Rent a bicycle when you get to the island. You can go around in about 30 minutes. However, if you want to see the beauty of the many islands, you need to leave your bicycle and climb a little.
Did you know that Chukai, Takehara City has a headquarters and a factory that holds more than 50% of Japan’s jam market share? It is Aohata, which is the first company in the world to canned mandarin oranges grown in the Seto Inland Sea. It is said that the president of Aohata, who watched a regatta race between the UK’s most famous universities, was impressed by the cheering of the blue flag. English replacement of Aohata is a blue flag. Visitable factories and photogenic shops are near Chukai JR station.